Rest Area Terdekat Ke Arah Bandung


Bandung is a popular tourist destination in Indonesia, known for its cool weather, beautiful scenery, and delicious food. However, if you’re traveling to Bandung by car, you might need to take a break and rest for a while. Fortunately, there are many rest areas located along the highways leading to Bandung. In this article, we will discuss some of the nearest rest areas to Bandung and what they have to offer.

Rest Area Terdekat Ke Arah Bandung - IntroductionSource:

Cikampek Rest Area

Cikampek Rest Area is located on the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road, which is the main artery connecting Jakarta and Bandung. This rest area is one of the busiest rest areas in Indonesia, with various facilities for travelers. You can find restaurants, convenience stores, prayer rooms, and even a gas station at this rest area. Cikampek Rest Area is approximately 120 km away from Bandung, and it takes around 2 hours to reach Bandung from Cikampek Rest Area.

Cikampek Rest Area

Purbaleunyi Rest Area

If you’re traveling from Jakarta to Bandung using the Purbaleunyi toll road, you can take a break at Purbaleunyi Rest Area. This rest area is located between Cileunyi and Padalarang exits, approximately 20 km away from Bandung. Purbaleunyi Rest Area offers various facilities such as restaurants, shops, and prayer rooms. You can also enjoy the view of Mount Tangkuban Perahu from this rest area.

Purbaleunyi Rest AreaSource:

Cipularang Rest Area

Cipularang Rest Area is located on the Cipularang toll road, which connects Jakarta and Bandung. This rest area is approximately 70 km away from Bandung, and it takes around 1 hour to reach Bandung from Cipularang Rest Area. You can find various facilities such as restaurants, shops, and prayer rooms at this rest area.

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Cipularang Rest AreaSource:

Cikampek KM 57 Rest Area

Cikampek KM 57 Rest Area is located on the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road, approximately 57 km away from Jakarta. This rest area is the closest rest area to Bandung from Jakarta, approximately 100 km away. You can find various facilities such as restaurants, shops, and prayer rooms at this rest area. Cikampek KM 57 Rest Area is a popular stop for travelers going to Bandung from Jakarta.

Cikampek Km 57 Rest AreaSource:


Traveling to Bandung by car can be a fun experience, but it can also be tiring. Taking a break at a rest area can help you refresh your mind and body before continuing your journey. There are many rest areas located along the highways leading to Bandung, offering various facilities for travelers. Some of the nearest rest areas to Bandung are Cikampek Rest Area, Purbaleunyi Rest Area, Cipularang Rest Area, and Cikampek KM 57 Rest Area. Choose the one that suits your needs and enjoy your journey to Bandung!

Novita Elisabeth Wowor

My Name Novita Elisabeth Wowor, Lulusan Teknik Informatika yang berkecimpung di dunia internet sejak 2019 sebagai part-time blogger dan internet marketer.