Rest Area Terdekat Km 300


Traveling long distances can be tiring, and taking a break is often necessary. Luckily, there are rest areas located along highways that provide drivers with a place to rest and refresh themselves. If you’re traveling along a highway and need a rest area, look no further than Rest Area Terdekat Km 300.

Rest Area Terdekat Km 300Source:


Rest Area Terdekat Km 300 is located on the highway at kilometer 300. It is easily accessible and visible from the road, making it a convenient place to stop for drivers.

Location Of Rest Area Terdekat Km 300


Rest Area Terdekat Km 300 offers a range of amenities to make your break more comfortable and enjoyable. There are clean and well-maintained toilets, as well as a prayer room for those who need it. In addition, there are food and drink options available, including a convenience store and a café.

Amenities Of Rest Area Terdekat Km 300Source:


Safety is a top priority at Rest Area Terdekat Km 300. The rest area is well-lit and monitored by security cameras to ensure the safety of visitors. In addition, there are plenty of parking spaces available, so you can park your car safely while you take a break.

Safety Of Rest Area Terdekat Km 300Source:


Rest Area Terdekat Km 300 offers a range of services to make your journey more comfortable. These include a car wash, a tire repair service, and a fuel station. These services are available 24/7, so you can take advantage of them whenever you need to.

Services Of Rest Area Terdekat Km 300Source:


If you’re traveling along a highway and need a place to rest and refresh yourself, Rest Area Terdekat Km 300 is the perfect place to stop. With its convenient location, range of amenities, and commitment to safety, you can take a break with peace of mind. Don’t forget to make use of the services available, such as the car wash, tire repair service, and fuel station. Happy travels!

  Rest Area Arah Semarang Terdekat
Novita Elisabeth Wowor

My Name Novita Elisabeth Wowor, Lulusan Teknik Informatika yang berkecimpung di dunia internet sejak 2019 sebagai part-time blogger dan internet marketer.